That's me writing this blog

Monday, 13 January 2014

Why won't Steve join FNB already?

FNB have been using Steve in their radio ads for way to long. The annoying telecomm salesman from 'Beep Bank' was consistent but was always shot down. However every single person I spoke to was so sick-and-tired of the adverts that there was even talk of killing Steve if they could. Well now FNB has let go of Steve and introduced a whole bunch of impersonator celebrities to take his place, including David Beckham.

However FNB's commitment to this campaign could cause more damage than good, which is contradictory to the point of paying a lot of money to run an advertisement. The public has got to the point where they can no longer listen to the advert but despite this, FNB continues to furthering the campaign and now has competitions whereby the public must talk about the future of Steve.

I want to know if FNB does any market research before it pays for yet another ad. Despite the annoying factor, consumers have also started to notice the tacky low-blows aimed at competitor Absa bank. I mean everybody loves a bit of competition, look at Nandos and Santam taking a dig at each other, it was all above the belt and ended up being a challenge between the two brands. The Steve ads are just tacky, take Tessa's advise and can him.