First VW aired an advert for their new Passat during the 2011 Super Bowl. VW had a little boy dressed in a Vader outfit walking around trying to move object with his mind. After standing in front of the new Passat for a while, the headlights turn on, thanks to the father who turned on the lights from the kitchen with the help of the car key. This ad was extremely successful because of that feel-good moment that makes every viewer feel all warm and fuzzy inside, without rubbing the cars features in your face. VW were also able to target the right age group with this advert, as the Passat is a car for a young family, the father probably grew up watching Star Wars and this will resonate with him. This VW advert was the year's most viral ad campaign, 60 million views to be exact.Click here to watch it.
Now Nissan has jumped on the Star Wars band wagon and has just released a Star Wars advert for the new Nissan Juke. Admittedly this ad does not come near being as cool as the VW one, it's actually quite creepy and strange. It does make sense considering the market that Nissan is targeting and the message they are trying to communicate. Firstly this Juke is targeted at the Japanese who are huge Star Wars fans (surprising, but true... look it up), and secondly they are trying to emphasise how the Juke is customisable and does not need to come in one colour and look like every other car/ Storm Trooper out there. The idea behind this ad is below average and it seems Nissan are purely relying on the "Star Wars Factor" to make it cool.Click here to watch it.
Either way this Star Wars epidemic is far from over, especially with Disney bringing out a new movie soon. All it means is that more age groups will be aware of Star Wars and consequently more age groups will be marketed.
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